Wednesday 21 November 2007

one whole week ...

since our stuff arrived and we officially moved in. Took Nelly to a new playgroup yesterday in a nearby village, they had loads of fab toys and N did painting and sticking - she made a Xmas card! it was in the funniest little old village hall - a really dilapidated pre-fab type arrangement and there was even a framed photo of the Queen! ( seemed to have switched on underlining by mistake! ) we discovered details of local music and yogabugs groups as well as details of other playgroups i the area...

this morning I got up and had a shower in our bathroom ( the pump was set up yesterday ) - had a lovely shower and came down to the kitchen to find you could have a shower in the kitchen at the same time !!! OOOOPs bang went happy contented faces in the morning - we finally isolated the problem and will not bore you wiht the detail but think we should not need to take down the ceiling in the kitchen!

Nelly has now come down with a streaming cold - those Northants bugs - or they could be Oxon ones as the group we went to yesterday was in Oxfordshire; we are so close to borders here within ten minutes you can pass through three counties ! SO today she was clingy beyond belief and watched DVDs most of the day with a brief interlude for a play at the swings to try and blow away the cobwebs. All in all it made bedtime a heck of a lot easier!

Some pics from the last few days..........

The dining room
Delilah settling in nicely - still not allowed out of the house though!

N's room
Rob about to go out in the evening snow to scare the locals!!!!

Relaxing !! and for those of you that know R this will amaze you that he can sit relaxed surrounded by chaos!
Nelly with the electronic babysitter! by the way the cupboards are white beneath the blue plastic protective cover!

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