Saturday, 23 August 2008

Hector Zaza and Kiki have landed ...

KIKI, ZAZA and Hector ( left to right!)
Cickens in their Eglu
Nelly and the Eglu!

They have been named as above - I realised when i asked people in my village that I am seriously older then most of them as when I mentioned the names I was met with blank looks - bit like asking a 2 year old these days if they like the Magic roundabout! Anyway as I will be the one to let them in and out and pribably clean them I named them! They are fab...Nelly loves a little walk to the back of the garden to see them and feed them bits and pieces...apparently according to my sister who now has chickens too - they love cabbage! Watch out chicks we are not keen in this house so when the veg box arrives you will be in for a treat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous! I'd love some chickens and an eglu but I don't think the Jack Russell would give them any peace. I hope you post lots of photos!