Friday, 15 August 2008

Sunny Bomo...

Despite the weather forecast telling us it was going to pour with rain for the whole week - we had one day of gales and rain and since then glorious sunshine...I think the Meteorological Office are manning a bid to kill off tourism in the UK....the beach is quiet when the sunshines and I guess the businesses are quiet too....! Nelly has realaffinity with the sea and the beach - she adores it. YEsterday she was running and jumping in the waves...making sand castles with James ( 8 ) while Gabs and I sipped Pimms....! WHat a perfect day! But she came from the sea...the orphanage at Dianbai was so close to the beach ,but I'm guessing she did not get there often in the first 11 months of her life! Maybe it is the sound and the smells...and we live in the most landlocked part of the UK!!! poor little sea baby - oh well ...more visits to friends by the sea -of which we have many!

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