Week thirteen saw a visit to the clinic on the Thursday to have her first lot of jabs, both thighs with the largest needle I have seen but that could be due to the size of her little leg...she was fie after the jabs thanks to Calpol... although I think she probably had a cold afterwards as she has had a permanent runny nose for weeks!
We made the dicovery of what is known as One O Clock CLubs - sounds like something that seniors do in the afternoon with tea and cakes! but almost - places in parks thorughout London where parents with children under the age of four can go to meet other people and children can run around, play on toys, paint, draw, play in sandpits etc etc. We had decided to meet other frineds in the park for a picnic and stumbled on the Battersea Park One o clock club! WOW! Nelly and Plum had a great time and Susan and I managed to sit down for a cup of tea and chat while they played !
Rob introduced Nelly to Elvis! see images of her watching the video of Elvis and Celine Dion...! ( courtesy o clever editing for American Pop Idol...if I was really clever I would put a link in but cannot be bothered....)
Oh week thirteen of Nelly being at home also saw our thirteenth wedding anniversary! no big celebrations, just family time!!... except the plans for us to move out of London accelerated...we put an offer in on a house in Norhtants,....and it was accepted ! Watch this space...............
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