Another first was a trip to the swimming pool - I was a real coward and waited until I had an experienced Mum to go with 9 My sister! Thanks Clare ) she liked it , did not cry once and mostly loved being in the shower afterwards !
We travelled home again on the train and Nelly played with a beautiful Dalmatian ' hearing ' dog called Violet most of the way - she was very good on the journey , so trains are real winners!
At the end of that week Kate and Frank were up from Cornwall and we spent a lovely afternoon with them in the garden of The Mansion...then the Saturday we met up again before they headed home for Nelly's first visit to the Royal China Dim Sum Restaurant in Bayswater which she and we loved ...followed by a pootle around Hyde Park and the Diana garden.
She had her MMR on the Thursday - followed by lots of screaming and a trip to the swings to cheer her up!
We finally hooked up with the Bowles family - they were with us the day we met Nelly and they met their little girl Isabel...we went to Chingford and had a lovely lunch followed by a long walk in the forest - Nelly and Isabel played together for a while Nelly more interested in the older boys! She was going through that phase of pushing and pulling with children her own age rather than loving ...!
Team Norton - out for an afternoon drink!
That excited little giggle..................
Playing in the Princess Diana Memorial Garden - looks like we are on holiday ..........
Lunch with my friend Isabel ........and her big brothers Harry and James
Isabel and I playing nicely for five minutes!
Taking in some reading...
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