Week seven was cold cold cold....and we had arranged to meet three other people who were also in China, we met in yummy mummydom and headed to a convenient child friendly cafe; due to the weather there were plenty of tables - unheard of ! So we managed to take the place over and the girls managed to sit in the middle of the floor and play - well Molly, Millie and Lucille sat nicely and played and Nelly took off around the place exploring every nook and cranny even making it into the kitchen!
Thursday - Rob came to Gymbabes with us and Nelly was given her Walking Award and almost did a lap of honour to celebrate while all the other children sat nicely on their Mum's knees!
More lunching that week with a trip to Pizza Express in Covent Garden to meet my friend Liz and her baby Frankie - Nelly had her first taste of pizza and enjoyed every moment before bang on schedule yawning and falling alseep in the buggy at 2 30!
The weekend saw anothe trip away - to Solihull to see Rob's Dad - he played and played with her until she was exhausted. Saturday night was another bad teething day she woke and then screamed every five minutes for eleven until 4 in the morning....but still seemed to be fairly lively the next day although we were all exhausted! Fitted in some visits to friends while we were there

Learning the piano just like Daddy did when he was young...

Lunch with the girls in Northcote Road - Nelly absent due to walking!

Nelly and me .............

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