This week was the start of kissing - alright all tongues and it only seems to happen immediately before her bath outside the bathroom - but she is getting there!
And what she eats...every day new tastes and she seems to enjoy them she has loved toast and marmite from day one come people like it or not...I think it has a lot to do with if you like Marmite then you feed it to your kids if you don't they don't eat it and may not like it. I seem to remember a liking for Marmite was really developed at boarding school - Marmite lasts a whole lot longer than peanut butter so we had Marmite"!
A 'First' this week included a frolic on the garden as the temperature got warmer. Mum came to stay for a day and night so she was spoilt. This week also saw her having four trips to the park ! well the weather was nice and she loves being outside and walking.
She has become so independent that she now throws a 'Terrible One' paddy whenever you try to put her in the car seat or the buggy. SO much so that I drove from West Norwood to Wandsworth with a screaming Nelly in the back inconsolable by rice cakes or Grandma and only calmed down when I stopped in a road in Balham and took her out of the car and then leant back to stroke her leg while driving!
Another first this week - was going all the way through the tunnel at Gymbabes - it means me being at one end as she sets off on her crawling mission and then whizzing down to the other end to look through the tunnel to get her to continue all along the long tube! She loved it and every time we go to to Gymbabes it is her first port of call!
After a week of lovely warm spring sunshine - Friday descended into miserable rain - all day. We had arrange to look after Bram for the day while Simone when to a meeting in London, I had planned on the park at Battersea and a visit to the mini Zoo they have there! When we left West Norwood for Victoria it was fine by the time we had met Bram had a coffee with Simone and then taken the train back to Battersea PArk it was pouring ...we headed straight for the deserted cafe in the middle of the park and fed Nelly and Bram - she had some chips and then walked around and around the cafe..the rain held of long enough for us to make it to the zoo, and we saw the donkeys, monkeys, pot bellied pigs, Emus sheep rabbits etc before rain stoppped play yet again and Bram and Nelly played throwing straw at each other...we then had a long walk back to the road with Bram saying I WANT MY MUMMY!!!!!!!! before hailing a cab and hotfooting it back to the station to meet Simone where he immediately cheered up !

Saturday afternoon in the park ...again!

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