Tuesday 27 May 2008

but the rain came back again...!

why is it that we only get summer for about one weekend in the year....last year it was at Easter - this year at May Day Bank Holiday, because the week running up to to the Spring Bank Holiday we have had the heating on! and the last two days we have been holed up in the house watching DVDs and keeping Nelly amused!

News from here is that Nelly is now on the way to being potty trained! started two weeks ago ( one of those nice sunny weekends ) and donned pants and dresses and spent the weekend in the garden with strategically placed potties.! All going well....Now she says she is a big girl with knickers and no dummy! Still in a nappy at night time at the moment...but working on that one....

Other news is that Nelly is about to start a pre-school in the next village after the half term holiday ! Another Big Girl moment with a large rucksack on her bag with her packed lunch! She will start with one morning a week and then I will add extra days, she will remain in nursery for two mornings too....so I get three mornings to do work and the cleaning etc !

Had a horrid moment last week when we went to her baby gym class - the lady that runs it asked to have a word with me - I thought it was going to be about taking a potty into the gym ( it was week one of the training ...) but no, one of the other mothers/carers had had a word about Nelly hitting her child! I was feeling particularly sensitive that day and was so so cross and upset not about the hitting but about the fact that the person could not have said something to me directly , I mean better at the time ...and if and when she does do it I discipline her as I do. It turns out that the person in question was a very young Nanny / childminder who basically sits down and lets her child get on with it and does not move an inch for the whole two hours they are there. I stomped around a bit and told the woman who runs it that we would not be coming back ! She then said Oh please come back we love having Nelly here..but as it turns out it will clash with pre-school...so they can make their own minds up about the fact that we have not returned ! !

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