cannot quite believe that xmas and new year are all over and done with for a second time with Nelly....when I look back I can still so distinctly remember the last Christmas without her and the waiting to go to China...we met a little baby and now we have a fully paid up toddler ( although I noticed in one book recently that when they hit 3 they are then classified as pre-schoolers! ) ....can you believe that Nelly will go to school next year! where has the time gone!
Xmas was quiet for us - Nelly and I had a whole week of illness...streaming colds, temperatures and hacking coughs ...we both visited the GP and were told to rest becaue it is viral and there is nothing you can do ! How you rest with a sick toddler is beyond me but hey we spluttered our way through crib services, and braved a village Xmas party dosed up on Cold and Flu remedy ( for me ) and Calpol for nelly...and made it through my 45th birthday and Christmas day.
By New Year we are fully recovered and now dreading her return to nursery and playgroup to pick up the latest viral infections! We dose up daily on Satsumas and kiwi fruits to keep up the Vit C!
NEw Year's resolutions.....just wanting to keep happy and healthy and carry on enjoying living ...getting fit always makes it on to theagenda ...eating and drinking less...reading more books...taking up Mandarin classes again and starting Mandarin classes for Nelly ...and always drinking more water!..seeing old friends mnore and enjoying all the new friends we have made...
Just wanted to say Happy New Year.
I LOVE the photo of Nelly in front of the tree.
yes better than the one of her picking her nose on Christmas Day!happy new year to you too !
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