Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Controlled Crying

so the time for Nelly to be rocked to sleep is coming to an end....The Banshee screaming resumed again as we decided that enough was enough of rocking her to sleep and being woken at 2 in the morning and her coming into our bed ..

So Monday evening this week we bit the bullet and armed with copy of Richard Ferbers Sleep problems book ( the one that I was going to give back to my friend as I thought I was not going to need it! HAH!!!!) and the 12 point list of how to do controlled crying we developed our plan and stuck to four nights in she is now sleep ing in her bed all night ( one hiccup at one this morning but we maintained the controlled crying thing of waiting 5 minutes and then going in and going away again - she then realised that we meant business and went off to sleep...) and tonight there was not even a whimper as I turned out the light and left her's crossing all fingers that she is back to being a good sleeper and good at going to bed!!!!!!!!!! Never say Never I say.....


Ellen said...

Hi Louise:

That's well done with helping Nellie learn some good sleep habits. It's very confusing to know what to do isn't it? On one hand, we have the adoption 'experts' telling us one thing, and our 'hearts' telling us another. I know I certainly don't want my child to grow up not knowing how to fall asleep on her own.

We did something similar with your timing - and I truly believe that we need to listen to our own intuition as adoptive parents. Sounds like you've done that really well with Nellie!

Just as a heads-up, we experience the occasional blip with our daughter's sleep (as you may remember she is an awful sleeper, always has been - she processes all her stuff in her sleep as she's so outgoing in the daytime). But we found once we established more rigid ground rules for sleep she now always goes back to that after temporary shifts in habit.

Wishing you many days ahead of peaceful sleep!!!

Ellen x

Anonymous said...

Well done! I loved that book - the chart of toddlers' sleep patterns was spot on for E. However, she had long ago prefected the "I can vomit in 30 seconds if you're not here" technique and I just couldn't do it.
She goes to bed beautifully though - has done for months. Then she gets into our bed at 3am beautifully too and there goes my sleep. It's beginning to wear me down so we need to try to keep her in her bed all night but I have no idea what to do!
Sounds like Nelly has really settled - that's brilliant.