Monday, 28 July 2008

From a dream sleeper to a banshee at one week

Nelly has moved from going to bed perfectly with an easy routine and a Night Night - before closing the door and getting an evening a screaming banshee as soon as I put her into the bed and leave the room. Such a Banshee that she can keep at it for a good hour with me going in, reassuring her, not talking, putting her back down , etc ( controlled crying ) until she then stops screaming for Mummy and starts on Daddy at the top of her voice for another half an hour and literally thwos all of the toys and bed linen out of the cot! ( I now know where that saying comes from! ) .....poor thing is soaked through with sweat and finally falls asleep in Rob's arms or in our bed. Decided along with little sister advice that she really probably needs to kick the afternoon nap habit! So yesterday was a long old day of keeping her awake! success she still wanted to scream at bedtime but I sat with her for ten minutes after story and soothed her until she fell into a deepl sleep and got a full 11 hours! hoping today will be the same. Will try and limit the sleep to only 1/2 an hour or 40 minutes and see what that brings...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My blood runs cold with the memory of the months that Evie did this. if It's any comfort - and I know it won't be at the moment while you're in this very special kind of hell - once it's over, you can't really remember quite HOW bad it was. And yet...still with the cold blood. I hope Nelly is over it soon. Evie was always worst just before she made a big developmental leap. Still is!