we have a cupboard to put all our coats in !
the goose is getting fat ... and has been ordered from the local butchers in Brackley for collection on December 23rd!
I bought Xmas cards but still end up needing another 20! I swore last year that I would not send cards in the interest of the environment, but I fear I run the risk of being branded a Bah Humbug ....so they are written and waiting to be posted. Heard a fantastic piece on Woman's Hour this morning about the whole saga of Xmas cards....http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/womanshour/04/2007_50_wed.shtml check it out ! but this year they will be in the post again!
Nelly has had her first encounter with the big guy with the long white beard and the overstuffed belly! By the end of this week she will be used to the idea and the bribery can commence ( if you do that again Father Christmas will not come !!) as we are off to numerous Xmas parties this week and next...
So the preparations for the Xmas break begin...but the Builders are still here...! they apparently finish on Sunday so I have promised a big meal on Saturday evening for them all ...let's hope they are gone by Xmas ..!!! but Rob says they may be back in January for a week or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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