Back to London and then out for a night out in town...we had a lovely dinner with friends - and years ago we would have been up and away through the night but we left the restaurant at 11 after talking about our children the whole night...we did have a few moments about work! ! Ganka was the babysitter , she arrived and Nelly wide awake - we finally left had a a nice evening but got home at 11 30 and Nelly had been in bed for precisely one hour! oh well she needs to realise that we go out and then come back!
We had a lovely day on the Sunday with Lisa and Karen who were looking after their we all went down to the park fro swinging and sliding at 10 30 am...L and K have not seen that time for a long time! we had a great time coffee on the way to the park - and lunch in the Rosendale on the way home! if only child care was that simple every day! !!!!...
This moving thing is a pain - I have to ask myself ( and I do frequently ) what do solicitors do for their money! all I seem to do is chase them for information! we got so cross with them last week that we resorted to calling the managing partner to find out what was happening! anyway looks like we will finally exchange on this house tomorrow Friday 28th September - late in catching up ....
anyway exchange happened....we had a small party for neighbours and friends in the street on Saturday afternoon and invited the new almost owners of 54 ST J Farm Road along to meet people. All went well , the sun shone, we sat in the garden until well into the evening - we are going to miss a great bunch of people
Nelly and that cute hat again!
New Boots !! I love them ...she loves them -- well she is her mother's daughter ( she loves handbags too! )
Fraser and Nelly sharing a cuppa on the stairs!
Cute froock and cuter Mama shades wonder she has been dubbed the best dressed girl at playgroup each week! Well...what can I say!
spending time with a larger than life doll!
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