Nelly enjoying a juggler at the Royal Festival Hall........

Just Nelly looking gorgeous - !
This was the week that we moved Nelly from two sleeps a day down to one. I had been wondering how on earth I was going to do this ....I decided to take her to a local play group that I had not tried before that opened at 9 30 - this is her normal time to lay her head down on my lap and then sleep for an hour and a half! The play group worked and we managed mainly one sleep each day after an hearly lunch for two hours! The group was lovely and I met another woman who had adopted her son from Thailand at the same time as we met Nelly.....
Nelly had her first visit to the dentist - with me, she rode up and down in the chair with me and was well behaved...
Not sure if I mentioned this before in a previous post but Nelly has taken to choosing the shoes she wants to wear...she dives into the show box and digs out her preferred pair ! Well this obsession was taken to new heights in week twenty two. After we left the dentist in Holborn I was walking across to Picadilly and decided to pop into Bertie - the shoe shop in Long Acre as they had their sale on...After a quick glance along the Size 5 section, I turned to leave. As we passed a coffee shop near Leicester Square, a young bloke came running up to me holding out a Size 4 Black Court Shoe with bow on the front , covered in Price Reduction stickers from ...BERTIE!- the sort that sits on the racks for people to try on in the sale !!!!!!!!! My little Imelda had only nabbed herself a show she took a fancy to!
I managed a day of work and Nelly got her second taste of play group and a trip to Sainsbury's with Daddy!
I got a night out - party at my old agency who are moving offices, felt like old times talking to clients and old colleagues.
Week ended with another birthday party, lunch in a new Gastropub and an afternoon with friends on the South Bank....
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