HURRAH - Nelly is a British Citizen!!!!!!! we can now apply for her passport and take her to Europe to meet the rest of her family in Italy and Hungary ...and all our close friends in France...
THere was a very good programme about adopting from China on Radio 4 this morning - Listen Again on click on China Girls link.....

Party one of the weekend ...Nelly with our friend and neighbour Kate
Spent the afternoon with our neighbours in their garden had great fun with the kids in the ball pit that Hati had rented...
Nelly rolling around in the ball pit...

China Girls Reunion in Twickenham...Luci, Molly, Nelly, Lola and Martha - poor hostess Millie was sick and had to go to the doctors half way through the party...
Yew Tree House ....- ours !
We completed on the new house..! adn arte planning on spending a couple of days a week up there until we fully move in once the decorating work is done...

Phew...........! Rob looking relieved and proud at his new front door....
One of the gardens ..... fabulous lavender and rosemary...a very sunny garden that would be great to keep as a silver and blue theme...
Nelly in the kitchen, looks like I am going to have to do one of those Aga cookery courses!

Percy Panda and Pooh Bear arrive at Yew Tree House..........

THE Yew Tree....

House and drive ....

Rear Garden... We have a veg patch - with two raspberry canes( summer and autumn fruits...) gooseberries, strawberries, potatoes and at the back to the left there is a fenced off section that we will use to install the Eglu with the hens...
Our most recent monthly lunch
Molly Nina and Nelly ....

Millie, Nelly and Plum the water game...

Yew Tree House ...OURS
anyone want to buy a lovely house in SE27!....