Anyway with a resolve to get out of London Rob had arranged for a second viewing of a house on the Oxon, Bucks and Norhtants border - lovely house - Georgian - tho a bit shabby , great gardens and good location for London and motorway to get up North...we did our second viewing on Friday morning, we then went over to visit my coousin and her two little ones. Nelly had a lovely time with Mary and Connie, 4 and almost 2 in age - who loved having Nelly over and played and played with her in the garden. They all had tea together watched In the Night Garden ( the latest kids cult viewing from the maker of Teletubbies! ) had a bath, got into pyjamas and Nelly settled down on the sofa while we ate risotto ...and we then drove home at about 9 30 woith Nelly sleeping in the car
Saturday ...another hot day and Nelly still suffering with hayfever - the poor little thing has had streaming eyes every time we go into the garden or park. It happened again at Lusille's first birthday party ..but it did not stop her enjoying every moment of the party, running around the gardens, and feasting on delightful Madeleines with lavender ( Laure is really a good cook and Lucille's cake was absolutely delicious ....)

Lovong In the Night Garden....
My cousins Mary and Connie....with their dummies!

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