Monday, 22 June 2009

parties...fetes...christenings....sports days...all in a summer

A traditional Punch and Judy at a local fete....I am amazed that some of the act is still allowed ...throwing babies out of the window and wife beating...!! not very PC!

Nelly gets christened ...looks like her Big Baby came long for the ride!

Making Tipis in the garden

Nelly before her wonderful running victory at sports day

Acting the monkey in the village church at a friend's christening...

summer is definitely here...lots of outdoor events and so far we are having the summer they predicted - albeit a few weekends of rain!

The village fete at the beginning of the month was beset with rain and I still managed to drag around a rather ugly doll and collared people into spending 50p guessing its name...

the following day we had Nelly's christening and the rain came down horizontally! Rob had been weather watching for weeks and had decided to organise a large garden tent and a magician in case of bad weathere but the sun finally came out and the event passed successfully = all very country living with bunting, white tablecloths , flowers from the garden!!! still waiting on perfect pictures from a friend!

Nelly had her first sports day...she ran like a gazelle and won her first running race - then gave up and decided not to particiapte in the sack race and walking with a bean bag on the head! strictly real sportsd for her!

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Summer is here

So the sun has been shining quite a lot ! Nelly had her christening at the beginning of june on a really rainy weekend.... for weeks the forecast had been for rain that day and it did rain right up to about half an hour before we got to the church and then the sun came out and shone all afternoon !!

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Wednesday, 3 June 2009

half term ...the SUN is shining !

Three little monkeys climbing at the castle...
Nelly all loved up with her favourite baby Annabelle!

How moody can you get !

we are packing the winter clithes away and getting out the fake tan,,,. the Bank holiday weekend saw lots of gardening and buying bedding plants with papa when he came to stay...Nelly and I spent part of the half term week with my Mum and sister - we took the train which was so mcu easier than driving solo with a grumpy three year old with attitude! she loved spending time with Grandma and her big girl cousins