Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Christmas ...here it is again

the crib came to the house for one night - signalling the beginning of Christmas!

Nelly and the Tree....

we are full of colds and coughs.....Xmas tree up....cards written only just mailed ....most presents bought ( not wrapped ) and stuff done but Nelly and I have been knocked over by horrid colds and coughs...so no food ordere or bought for the day itself..but it will all come together

Thursday, 4 December 2008

That test

Was all about blogging on the go ! How cool now I can update whilst we are in the car, on train etc I am sure it is something most bloggers have been doing for a while but I am a little late to the party ....... now to see if I can upload a picture !
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Wednesday, 3 December 2008


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two years ago we got this.....

Rob reminded me this morning it was two years ago that we first heard about a certain littlegirl - the one who is sleeping soundly upstairs , who has the most wicked sense of humour you can imagine and who on Saturday will be a ' Purple Angel' in her playgroup nativity! ....has she changed - can you see the moneky behind those eyes...can you see the mischief she gets up to , the gorgeous things she comes out with, the wonderful hugs she gives every day ...I can....! WHAT AN AMAZING DAY IT WAS....

We have a child
called Bai Xiao En born on F
eb 28th 2006 and is at the Dianbai SWI in Guangdong....we do not have a photo yet should have one next week so will post that as soon as....The SWI is on tyhe coast about 150 miles south of Hong Kong...more to follow ...............