countdown to the move ....
looking at my diary I cannot quite believe that we will be gone in three weeks that means fitting in lots of people to meet, the occasional evening out ...and thinking about packing>! I guess that packing is easier at this end but harder unpacking at the other - because you think you want something in one place and then
reaqlise it should be in another! will keep you posted!
Half term now so playgroups and regular stuff pack up ! but we have planned for outings with our friends ...... this morning we were at the bargain priced
Peckham Pulse soft play ( £1.35 ) with free parking! where Nelly had me rollicking around in the ball parks and careering down slides! until my knees ached! she loved it and she and Fraser had three whole hours in each others company without one hit,
pinch, scratch or push!!!!!!!!! they shared nicely and sat and ate their lunch side by side in their high chairs without incident! hurrah!
I sometimes sit here as I write this and wonder if anyone ever reads this blog....??? I know some of you do but I have only ever had two comments on this blog since its inception! One from a fellow adoptive mother whose daughter is also from
Dianbai and one from a guy who thinks he knows our cleaner and would like to get in touch!!! If you are there --...echo echo echo!!! then please leave me a little note! True Brit
reserve means that people do not like to do this sort of thing! I follow a number of other blogs mainly in the US and there is a whole community going ! So I would love to hear from you - I still need to work out how to use the country ticker thing and see how many visitors there are to the site...then that will out you! Otherwise I move to
facebook and that is really too sad! ...............( OK I have a page because someone asked me to join - I did and then realised I only knew about ten people on the whole thing!!!! )