Week two saw a visit to a friend who was in China at the same time as us ...so chance to see Molly and her big brothers. Getting used to the big buggy now - although still using the Chinese stroller for short journeys in the car as it is so lightweight and practical. I guess we will probably invest in a better Maclaren stroller at some point in the next week or so.
Nelly had her first trip to Cafe Rouge for lunch this week, after our coffee at Debbies we walked to Cafe Rouge and met ROb for lunch - it is now something of a habit as it is an OK place to eat within walking distance ...we fed her a jar of Hipp Organic stuff but she was not at all keen and was much more interested in the Croque Monsieurs we were both eating! well it was calcium and protein.
Week Two saw our first experience with Calpol! fairly lucky I think that while we were in China she was absolutely fine and no medication was required! ON the Thursday of the second week at home she was very clingy all day and I suspected that something was not right. That evening she went to bed very early and woke at about nine thirty with a fierce fever...so we quickly got out the thermometer and in our panic and anxious state neither of us could remember how to use it! it is one of those ear ones so bit difficult to get to grips with, fortunately our friend and neighbour Kate is a GP so I ran down to ask if she had a thermometer we could borrow and what advice as I had already given her Nurofen that evening. She told me I could use Calpol with Nurofen and then we spent the night with a thermometer in her ear and a cold flannel on her head! the temperature came down and went up again so we managed! Scary or what!
The next day we had planned on taking a trip up to see Julia TIm and Isabel, but I really did not want to take her out so we stayed in all day in the warm. In the afternoon she was much better and I managed ot get a haircut and left Rob in charge for an hour and a half!
Our really good friend Emma came over on the Saturday and we took her to Streatham Common and then shared a bottle of champagne at teattime to welcome Nelly !
Sunday February 19th was Chinese New Year and we arranged to meet three other families that were in China at the same time...we had Dim Sum ....all good fun and the girls were pleased to see each other...so nice that they are all going to be able to meet up regularly and play -. We will be going to Monkey Music and Gymbabes with Molly and Nina. there are about five invited to Nellys birthday party...

Molly our friend from Dulwich with one of her proud brothers

Laure Gilles and Lucille Nelly at her God Brother's birthday evening! Our Godson Connor was really keen to be Nelly's God father so I told him that he was probably a tad young for that but we could make him her Godbrother - so he is very proud of this fact

Nelly and Molly first play date... while louise and debbie discuss Monkey music and gymbabes...!